Saturday, March 26, 2005

So I was doing a lot of knitting yesterday (fixed the afghan, I am a knitting GODDESS) but as in between knitting sessions I am despairing over how severe my eczema has been the past few months. It's so bad, that it's too the point where if I scratch it, it's like scratching a sunburn. A flaring, intense pain that I can't accurately describe.

So then I'm sitting on the sofa, working on a hat that I started for Simona and I'm alternating between knitting and scratching my arms when a dreaded realization started to creep through me.

I drop my knitting and go upstairs to get my prescription that I had gotten shortly after my eczema started flaring up really badly. I wanted to check the date - and was trying to convince myself that my problems started well before I started knitting.

I found the cream and read the date - January 14.

I started knitting on January 1st.


At approximately 9pm last night I went cold turkey. Haven't picked up my knitting since. (Sorry Simona, no hat, not tomorrow at least, which was my intention). I'm going to not knit for a couple of days and see if the large angry red patches that have been covering the backs of my shoulders, my elbows, wrists and lower back fade. If they do fade, and my theory proves correct, I don't know what I'll do.

I LOVE knitting.


Blogger Stephanie said...

About a month after I started, my hands got so dry that my knuckles started to crack & bleed, which never happened to me before -- no matter how dry my skin got (even in Colorado). I keep some of Body Shop hand lotion in my knitting supplies. It's hard to get used to the fact that I'm "allowed" to lube up b/c I've embroidered so long and for that your hands must be clean and greaseless. All is well now though.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

So what happened RE the excema? I take it it wasn't the knitting since you obviously kept up with it...
(pardon the intrusion by the way, I was literally just pushing "next blog" and here I am... and now I sound like one of those ghastly automated comments that keep popping up whenever people post. but I'm not, I promise!)

9:31 PM  

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