Monday, March 21, 2005

Knit Obsessed
I have been waiting somewhat impatiently for this scarf to make it's way across the Atlantic - I heard from Jody this week that she had finally received it, so I can now post photos of it and not ruin the surprise :).

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I used a yarn that I had never used before, it was fairly soft and really nice to work with. The color was Purple Haze, which you can see better in the photo below.

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This scarf was my first attempt at doing a stockinette stitch (a combination of purling and knitting). Unfortunately, the pattern meant the scarf would start to curl along the edges, but I quickly took care of that with my iron and some spray starch! :)

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As I folded up the scarf to mail, I almost wanted to keep it for myself :).

I don't think my knitting obsession will fade at all - it's been almost 3 months and I'm still going strong. I've completed two other projects since the scarf - a winter hat and a baby blanket for Simona - and I'm currently working on an afghan. A fellow knitter/blogger that I know suggested that I start a knitting blog and I am considering it - at least that way I can blather about yarn and needles and only the people that care about that stuff will be forced to read it :).


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