Friday, March 25, 2005

Knitting will be the DEATH of Me
Last night, while watching WPT, I screwed up one of the rows of my afghan. I sighed and put it aside, thinking that I would unravel and redo the messed up row at the end of WPT.

So that's what happened.


Somehow, when I picked up my stitches, something went horribly wrong and now, ten or so rows later, I have discovered that my pattern (which is diagonals), which was formerly going right to left is now going left to right.

Rather than try and fix the mistake now, while I am infused with a frustration that is quite possibly some of the most severe frustration I have experienced (at least in my knitting career), I think I will go and run it off and then fix it later.

Either that or I will just burn the damn thing and be done with it.


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